Sunday, May 6, 2012

Dancing Queen

Laila  is in the Tiny Tots dance class at Sunshine and Rainbows, and she loves it.  It is the cutest thing to watch these little girls dance around.  During watch weeks when I get to be in the room to watch Laila dance, it melts my heart when she waves to me from her dance spot and looks so happy that I am there.  I do love to watch her dance.  

Laila loves to wear her dance outfits, and I love to find her dance outfits, such as this peacock outfit.  I could not pass up the leg warmers either. 

She also loves some of the tumbling activities, such as the froggy hop. 

For dance pictures, the girls had to wear their recital costumes and have full make up applied and hair curled.  This was the first time Laila has ever worn makeup.  She has the most beautiful, thick, and long eye lashes thanks to her daddy.  A little bit of mascara really made them pop.  It was kind of fun to see what Laila looked like dolled up in makeup.  I definitely enjoy having a little girl.

Laila loves her recital costume as she thinks that it is a Disney Princess Belle dress.  The Tiny Tots girls wear these cute little outfits and dance to a chicken song.  I know I have said it a million times, but these little girls dancing is just the cutest thing.

It is so much fun to watch Laila try new activities.  I do love this age where I never know what she is going to do or what she is going to say.  I am continuously amazed at what my little Laila can do and the hilarious things that she comes up with to say.  She makes life incredibly interesting and fun.  I sure love being Laila's momma.

Merrick - 1 Month Old

Our little Merrick is one (1) month old.  From birth to one month old, Merrick was such a sweet, cuddly, little newborn.  I very much enjoyed cuddling with him and watching his adorable and sweet newborn faces. 

Once Merrick hit five(5) weeks old, he apparently decided it was time to start doing things.  Week five (5) was a big week as he started to smile a little bit in response to Chris or I talking to him, and he also rolled over from his tummy to his back.  Our little bubs is also starting to talk and it is ever so sweet.  I love when he opens his mouth to try and make a noise, and I can see he is trying hard but just cannot get a noise out.  Then when Merrick does make a sweet little noise, he smiles as he is so proud of himself.  I find it to be precious.  

Merrick enjoys laying under his activity blanket, laying on the floor kicking like a wild man, and at times, tummy time is o.k.  At other times during tummy time, Merrick will scream with his head in the blanket (I fear him suffocating himself), fall asleep, roll over, or just lay with his head to the side looking around, making tummy time a bit of a challenge.   Merrick has tried the Bumpo seat, and at this point, he is not a fan yet. 

Despite Merrick meeting some milestones, I am still enjoying his little baby faces, and I love to take little naps with him sleeping on my chest.  I am trying to eat up all this cuddle time knowing that he will be on the move before I know it, and cuddle time will be a premium.

We are all eating him up and loving on him like crazy.  He is a perfect addition to our family.